Friday, January 23, 2009


I had my first laser treatment on my damaged eye yesterday.

My sister-in-law drove me the hundred miles we had to travel. It was an enjoyable trip. She is a non-stop talker so it kept me distracted from any nervousness I might have otherwise been feeling.

The young doctor is a real go-getter. I don't know if he double-boooks or triple-books his patients. I just know that you are guaranteed a 2-3 hour wait any time you go to see him. However, he is a very thorough doctor and really seems to "know his stuff".

The laser treatment itself is a very uncomfortable procedure but only takes five minutes. They strap your head in once you have your chin on the chin rest. Smart move! Because they then shoot 400 hunded injections of light into your eye. After about the first minute, you begin to feel like you can't tolerate any more; and the natural instinct is to recoil. It takes a concentrated effort to stay with it even though you have no other choice available at the moment.

I came out of there not being able to see anyting for the first little while. I immediately put on my dark sunglasses (that I got for just this occasion) and left them on until bedtime.

There seems to be a slight improvement in my vision already - although I can't help but wonder if it's just my imagination. Time will tell.

One down - four more to go.


DammitWomann said...

Hang in there Rose - you can do it. Afterall, you are the "new" "improved" version of yourself. You are Woman - hear Rose roar........LOO

Rambling Rose said...

Thanks - you are SO right! It's nowhere near the worst thing(s) I have lived through. And it sure is worth it if it gives me back the sight that I have lost (my vision for the future).