Saturday, June 14, 2008

Seeking The Sacred

I tend to avoid book studies that just want to look at books from an intellectual point of view. We can get lost in our thinking mind way too easily. I have, however, had the good fortune to be a part of two or three book studies that were well worth the time and effort that went in to them.

Right now I am part of a group that is looking at "Seeking The Sacred" (Leading a Spiritual Life in a Secular World). The chapter we were looking at this week was written by Marion Woodman and the question that raised the most discussion was "What do you think the difference is between spirit and soul?"

It did not take us long to be completely bogged down as each of our thinking minds took us down mind-boggling paths that were increasingly complicated, complex and confusing. After I gave up trying to think of an answer for what each of these words means to me - with my thinking mind(Egoic) out of the way - my nonthinking (Creative) mind was then freed up to give me an image for the soul. And what came to me, interestingly enough, was a kernel of corn inside of an onion. From the moment of conception, each negative or unloving life experience adds another layer to the onion. Each loving or compassionate life experience takes away a layer of the onion.

My dream that night gave me a working image of the spirit - an abandoned vehicle. While the soul does not leave the body until death - the spirit, which is energy, can choose to abandon the body (where the heart resides) and live in the head (mind). Furthermore, we can be unaware that we have done this. Or becoming aware, we are not sure how to reverse it.

Anyone else want to take on this challenge and enlighten me further?


Wollf Howlsatmoon said...

An "impossible" rumination to begin with, but Here is an analogy that may help you understand the various distinctions: the human mind comprises the brain and all its workings — memory, perception, reason, the stew of hormones that results in our emotions. It is, in other words, the "hardware" of human existence. The human soul is what governs the human hardware — the "software" of human existence, our very own "operating system," unique to each of us. The human spirit is the "electricity" that animates us.

Not so much an "enlightenment" as just a bit more jumble for your mind.

The greatest philosophers of Mankind have stewed upon this one for ages......

The way I look at it is that the Spirit, is the breath of Life. What G-d infused in us to make us animate.

The Soul is our Being....hmmm?

Rambling Rose said...

Thanks, Wollf, I was really hoping to get your perspective on this one. I really liked the word "electricity" to describe the spirit. Breath of Life came to me also.

Emtional energy came to my mind this morning as well. "Energy in Motion".

I always love the opportunity to explore the philisophical part of your mind.
