Friday, April 17, 2009

Cat Stevens

Cat Stevens...............

His name came up today in something I was reading on the web. I have always loved his song "Morning Has Broken". Wondering whatever became of him, I decided to see if I could find some of his music on YouTube.

Not only did I end up spending an enjoyable afternoon with him and his music, I found out where he had disappeared to.

What a remarkable life he has led!

What a remarkable man!


Wollf Howlsatmoon said...

Oh my. Loved "Moon Shadow" myself, just still carrying a grudge about his Salmon Rushdie comments....

Like with most performers, he needs to separate himself from his politics and his music....

But that's just me.

Rambling Rose said...

I hear you, Friend. Any high profile person has to be very careful what they say in public.

I am captured, however, by his ideals that showed in his music long before he embraced the religion he now practises.

He claims that his statements were misrepresented in the media - and I am inclined to believe him.

Either way, I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt since his eforts on behalf of needy people speak loudly of a heart that serves God in the best way he knows how - one step at a time, groping in the dark, from a heart that believes, and tries to follow. Just like the rest of us.

Dee7737 said...

I always liked his 'Peace Train.'

Rambling Rose said...

Yes, that's another nice one. I had Moon Shadow in my head all day yesterday - I can see the writing on the wall for today - Peace Train. Have you viewed his new version on YouTube as Yusuf Islam? That is nice as well. Boy, he certainly had charisma in his young years. Depth.