Monday, March 31, 2008

A Quote From Lin-Chi

Just be ordinary and nothing special....Put on your clothes and eat your food.

When you're tired, go and lie down.

Ignorant people will laugh at you, but the wise will understand.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

I can't believe that I'm doing this. I'm not usually one to jump on the bandwagon. I avoid them like the plague.

And I never thought I would become a member of even though she has a lot of good things going on - it just never was my cup of tea.

But after reading Eckhart Tolle's book "A New Earth, I decided that I wanted to listen to the interview. I wasn't disappointed. In fact, I would recommend listening to the interviews even if you don't plan on reading the book. If you are ready for it, what he is saying will change your life.

They had some technical problems with the video for chapter one, so you are better off with the audio for that one interview.

If you check it out, get ready to kiss a lot of your problems goodbye. Some of them just won't matter so much any more.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Going Beyond The Ego

A friend loaned me a book to read. I can't believe my good fortune - she even asked me to highlight, underline, and mark it up for her. You would think it couldn't get any better than that EXCEPT it is just exactly what I need to read right now to move me forward a couple steps in the right direction.

The loaner turned out to be Eckhart Tolle's book "A New Earth - Awakening To Your Life's Purpose". It is all about the ego and our over-identification with our thoughts. This is where I am at in the book:

"Although body-identification is one of the most basic forms of ego, it is also the one that you can most easily go beyond. This is done not by trying to convince yourself that you are not your body, but by shifting your attention from the external form of your body and FROM THOUGHTS ABOUT YOUR BODY - to the feeling of aliveness inside it. No matter what your body's appearance is on the outer level, beyond the outer form it is an intensely alive energy field."

But, it gets even better. He goes on to give an exercise that is EXTREMELY EASY TO DO which will increase your "inner body" awareness.

"Close your eyes for a moment and find out if there is life inside your hands....become aware of the subtle feeling of aliveness inside them.....If you hold your attention in your hands for a while, the sense of aliveness will intensify....Then go to your feet, keep your attention there for a minute or so, and begin to feel your hands and feet at the same time. Then incorporate other parts of the body - legs, arms, abdomen, chest, and so on - until you are aware of the inner body as a global sense of aliveness....Make it a habit to feel the inner body as often as you can...When you are in touch with the inner body, you are not identified with the body anymore, nor are you identified with the mind. This is to say, you are no longer identified with form but moving away from form-identification toward formlessness, which we may also call Being. It is your essence identity. Body awareness not only anchors you in the present moment, it is a doorway out of the prison that is the ego.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


It is Easter weekend! The time of rebirth and renewal.

There is a lot going on for us this weekend. My daughter has made it home from Alberta for a visit. Her daughters are just Delighted to have their mother home for awhile.

The oldest granddaughter is graduating from university this spring; so we will be celebrating that achievement, as well, while her mother is here to take part in the celebration.

They have all taken off to Bangor, Maine on a major shopping trip. Exciting stuff! I am content to stay home and catch up to myself. My blogs are showing signs of neglect while I have been busy "making merry" one way or another. As Martha Stewart would say, "That is a good thing." It is not always something I knew how to do.

It feels good to have all my inner issues dealt with to the point where I am not bogged down with head stuff. I finally feel free to pursue the things that interest me. I am slowed down a little, perhaps, by some body limitations - but I am still a whole lot freer than when it was my inner demons holding me back.

Life is good! Thanks to all of you who were a contributing factor in helping it to become so! I hope you have a good Easter!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Flight Of The Mourning Dove

I was given my first native name by a blogging friend I never met."Paints With Words" is what he named me in response to my style of writing. I took that as a great compliment.

After reaching a new level of recovery through my blogging efforts, I was awarded another native name in my dreams. Now, I get a lot of help and guidance from my dreams - have been for the last twenty-eight years. So, I pay close attention to any information that comes to me through my dreams. "Mourning Dove" is the new name I have been given - and I was told to spell it with a "u" in Mourning.

That dream came about a month ago. A lot has happened in that time. And I am beginning to understand why that name fits the direction that is presenting itself to me.

I feel like I have spent my whole life in mourning. It began before I was even old enough to know what I was mourning for. Maybe I will never know. It's no longer important for me to know.

All I know is this. A couple weeks ago, I realized that I needed to start a blog about food. And the more I thought about it, the more sense it made to me. It was through a blog that I worked out all that was left to work out with my first husband.

It was through this blog that I reached the point where I was finally able to let go of my second husband who has been dead for 6 1/2 years. It only makes sense to me that if I wish to form a new relationship with food, a blog is the most effective place for me to do it.

When I delved further into how I wanted to do my food blog, I realized that I actually needed two blogs. One for the food that I was attempting to let go of; and another blog for the healthier food that I making a part of my everyday world now.

If you are interested in checking them out, here are the links: is called Cooking From Scratch where I am posting my family's favorites - some from more than one generation of food lovers. is called Good4uFood where I am posting the new healthier recipes as I find them and try them; along with any helpful tips I come across.

I am very excited by this new adventure in my life. It is So Right on more levels than I can even mention at this point - but I am sure that I will do so over time.

You know how things, once they are started, take on a life of their own; and take you with them. I already feel that happening in the short bit of time that I have been doing this.