Friday, June 13, 2008


We came together at a book study - knowing each other only well enough to say "hello" to.

We had each walked very different paths up until then.

She was very Conscious, Aware, Responsible and Effective in the outside world.

I was very Conscious, Aware, Responsible and Effective in my inner world.

I had just reached the point in my life's journey where I was willing to see what I could do in the outside world - coming fully from Self rather than under the guise of all the different roles I had played in my lifetime.

I got the impression from different things she said that she was at the point in her life journey where she thinking of exploring her inner world a little more deeply.

Present one to the other - two very seemingly different people - not so different after all - just coming at life from different directions.

That momentary connection was powerful. Stimulating. Life-giving.

Being Present to the moment is not something we give a lot of thought or awareness to until someone like Eckhart Tolle comes along reminding you of the importance of being Present.

Sometimes we are enjoying the moment so much that we are fully Present to it. Other times we only half give ourselves to the moment - being occupied with other thoughts that are consuming us.

My memories are taking me back to many familiar moments. Interesting that even now, after all these years, I can pinpoint which ones I was fully Present to and which ones were marred by my unavailability. Moments I wish I could do over and be Present to. That not being possible, all I can do is focus on not letting any more opportunities for Connection pass me by.


Anonymous said...

Hi Rose,

I just came across your blog via a google search for other bloggers who have written about overcoming food addictions, an area of my life I am just beginning to explore.

Best wishes,

Rambling Rose said...

Welcome to my world, Sharon. I will return the visit.