Sunday, September 14, 2008

Inner Guidance

Did you ever give your all to a project that ended successfully....and you're pleased....but tired.

And now that it is over, you realize it was only a drop in the bucket - so much more is needed. But you don't know where to go from here.

I was making the mistake, at this point, of letting my head do the thinking instead of my heart.

And I was beginning to feel overwhelmed.

Good thing a friend reminded me to just "BE" in the moment. That is when you are in direct alignment with God - and only then can you expect to be guided.


DammitWomann said...


Rambling Rose said...

You got that right, DW.

Wollf Howlsatmoon said...

Hey...Living in the Moment is the key.......but your Writing is the Door.

Come along now the Door and go for a stroll.....

Rambling Rose said...

I know - I'm really slacking off where the writing is concerned. I give myself a needed slap on the wrist.

A short post has been brewing in response to your "milk and cookies".

I love them shoes - Snappy!

DammitWomann said...

On the same subject Rose - this was in my daily meditation today - "Burnout is a condition caused by unbalance" and "When you're suffering from burnout, you ARE the only person on earth who can help because you're the only one who can make the lifestyle changes needed".

Sounds true - and sure hits home, huh? Yep, we women are over-achievers and don't like to settle for anything less than 110%

Wanted to share this with ya.

Rambling Rose said...

Yup, you sure got me figured. Anything I take on, I give it my all and then some. Needless to say, afterwards it takes a long time to restore my balance.

My dreams are indicating to me that I am now in the process of learning how to take on bite-size pieces.

It sure will make life more manageable if I can learn to walk and chew gum at the same time.

Reminds me of a dear friend I had who couldn't talk and walk at the same time. She would stop moving every time she said something.