Friday, October 3, 2008

A Look At Love

The best and most beautiful things in the world
cannot be seen or even touched.
They must be felt with the heart.

- Helen Keller

Two images came to my mind when I read these words a week or so ago. One was the image of a tough ex-marine enjoying milk and cookies with his toddler granddaughter - as shared on his blog.

The other image that came up for me was witnessed by my granddaughter - The aging alcoholic was sitting in his usual spot - the bench not far from the liquor store - waiting for it to open. A well-dressed man went up to him and, giving him a sandwich said, "You be sure to eat that before you start drinking, now, so you don't get sick."


DammitWomann said...

"They must be felt with the heart"

What a great statement. It also took me by surprise.

It is not easy for me to open up my heart anymore .....It seems like I give pieces away too easy... am working on NOT being so generous with something so important. I'm learning to place value on ME and mine.

Rambling Rose said...

I had to ponder on this before responding to your words because I fully understand what you are saying - having been there myself.

Perhaps, the secret lies in just opening our hearts - not giving them away.

I took part in an a very interesting exercise as part of a book study once - and learned a lot about myself in the process.

For one week we were to touch base with ourselves now and again throughout the day - checking in to see if our heart was "open" or "closed".

I have certainly been much more aware of when (and why) I need to tread carefully; and where (and when) I can open my heart full throttle.

DammitWomann said...

Perhaps, the secret lies in just opening our hearts - not giving them away.

Good advice Rose. Thanks. I think you are right-on target.

I will most definitely be working on that one!

Thanks for being such a good sounding board for me!

Rambling Rose said...

Glad to return the favor.

Wollf Howlsatmoon said...

A wonderful juxtaposition of two exactly expected, the other, rather a heartwarming surprise.

Love cannot be truly enjoyed unless it is given without any expectation by the giver.

One of the hardest things I've learned in this year. To trust that my gift won't be sullied?

I'm getting much better at it.

Besides, I had some really great Potato Salad for lunch. Yum, DW.

Rambling Rose said...

Trust......yeah, that's a big part of it, isn't it? Learning to trust ourselves again (our choices,etc.); learning to trust others, learning to trust the universe, learning to trust God.

It's a long time coming after we have been hurt - whether it is by other people or by the natural flow of Life.