Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Out Of Sight

My sister expressed some concern because I haven't posted anything for awhile. My apologies to the few who do follow my footsteps on this site.

I have been busy playing in another corner - and since it was something new to me, it was taking up most of my day and ALL of my mental capacity.

I always have to get comfortable with new things in my life before I share the details - it just seems to be my nature.

As some of you know, I have been getting direction and guidance from my dreams for about 28 years. The last couple years, I have been taking part in a small Dream Circle hosted by my brother 2-3 times a week I have learned a lot from him during that time which increased my understanding of my own dreams.

Well, a couple weeks ago, I stumbled across this site and have been interpretting some of the dreams posted there. If anyone is interested in checking out my activity there, I am using my same name - buddingrose4u.

Life is going well - I have survived another winter and am looking forward to Spring. I have a lot of new things going on in my life - along with a lot of new people. Once I have a better handle on where this is all leading, I will share it with you.

I'm not one to talk unless there is a burning desire to express something, so bear with me. I'm "taking in" and "laying low" more than I am "putting out" these days.(heh)


DammitWomann said...

Rose -rechargig our batteries is a necessity of life. Although, like your sister, I miss you writings. However, I am teaching myself patience (not so easy for a fiery redhead) and just wait for your next snippet of life. Hugs my friend.

Rambling Rose said...

Spoken like a true friend. Thanks. I'll try to make sure I write some little thing once a week.

I find from reviewing my past that I am either out there living my life - or I am thinking and writing about it trying to "gum up" the courage to get back in the ring and give life another try.

I am finding myself anxious to get back to my good4ufood blog too. My new recipes that are worth sharing are piling up and somebody said they would like me to write about my personal journey there as well (now that my diet efforts are going well - I've lost 33 lbs so far - I am losing it at about 2 lbs a week.

It's always nice hearing from you. Hope life is treating you well.

DammitWomann said...

How wonderful you are becoming healthier! (I detest the 4 letter word d**t!) That's what life is all about! Healthy living!

Life is good - I am greatful!

Rambling Rose said...

How right you are, DW! All the previous times in my life, focusing on "losing weight", I got nowhere. Now that I am just focusing on eating healthy, avoiding the sugary foods as much as possible, and monitoring my portion sizes, the weight is coming off by itself. Now and again, the old mindset tries to creep in but I hold my ground. This is the only way that stands a chance of working for me.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm Dreemspirit on Experience Project and will look out for you.