Saturday, March 28, 2009

Licence To Drive

This past winter a new fear entered my mind. And once it entered, it would not go away.

What if the car broke down while I was travelling alone? My mobility would make walking for help an issue. Now, mind you, I don't travel far from home but even a short walking distance would be difficult for me.

So I finally gave myself permission to get a cell phone. I will just keep it for emergency use while in the car. Funny how hard it is to put out money for the intangibles - the items we need for insurance purposes.

Now I can drive alone and get even more of my confidence back. It reminds me of when my children started going to school; and I was able to (or had to is more like it) cross those big city streets alone. It amazes me how we get so used to these little securities that it is hard to let go of them. "Little hands" or even "the presence of another" can become something we think we can not do without. But we have to dare to stand alone. We have to dare to walk alone - anywhere we go in life.

Here I am starting out on my own once again.


Wollf Howlsatmoon said...

And here ol'Wollf is, at the opposite end of this spectrum....with...yannow, you and DW are my friends, so I'll speak plain English....

With Anastasia (19), Max (16) and Kiefer (11), and M'Lady Dragn (Karla), and myself, all going different directions at the same time.....Cell Phones are a must. Don't even have a "Home" phone.

Glad to see you got one, it will definitely up your sense of safety.

On the last paragraph, I was the "Loner", all during my first marriage< I was out doing the Country's work, all around the globe, and mostly by myself. (Probably was the cause of "her" infidelity and the divorce.

Second marriage.....almost always gone again, only at least all on the Weast Coast until about ten years ago when I went completely Civilian....regular job, home every night....and to be honest, "hating" it.

Honey do this, and that and that....heh, I didn't make the transition to "Homebody"....just never even thought about it., through all the things I've gone through, the meditations, blogging my heart to the world, and just plain calming down.....

I'm ready to grab the Loves of my Life tightly and permanently in a giant bear hug never to be loosed.

You guys have helped me immeasurably on that journey.

You'll be just fine, Kid.


Rambling Rose said...

Nicely put! And thanks for the vote of confidence. It feels good to be functional again. And, for that, I thank you and DW.

You reminded me how good it felt to laugh - to be in touch with my lighter side. Plus a few words of helpful wisdom now and again.

And DW always makes me feel a little more secure - with a sister by my side.

I am a little more able, once again, to trust the process.