Monday, April 14, 2008

On The Move

I was living in Toronto when my children started kindergarten and I had to start crossing the busy streets without a hand to hold. That was when I learned how dependent I had become on those little hands in mine. I felt so vulnernable as I walked alone.

It seems to me today, as I reflect on that memory, it has been the pattern of my life. Over and over again, I was forced to learn how to stand on my own two feet - walk on my own two legs - without a hand to hold onto.

It's always scarey at first - best to take small steps just starting out. That way it is not so overwhelming. And before long, you remember how to do it; and next thing you know, you are trying to catch up to yourself.


Wollf Howlsatmoon said...

Re-read your words, PWW. I find that I learn the most about myself "after" I've hit *send* on an e-mail, or *publish* in my writings.

The thing that struck me straight away......"I felt so vulnernable as I walked alone."

"those little hands in mine."

Which raises the question...afraid of what?

Not for yourself, certainmente...

But maybe that you're unnecessary?

You are needed, today, without the small children, as you were then.

A lot more People read and glean wisdom from your thoughts and experiences than you might imagine.

Don't be afraid for others.

Teach and you will be fullfilled.

Oh...Other Folkes reading? Leave PWW a note. All we Bloggers need a bit of encouragement now and again....twits.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes there are hands holding yours and you aren't even aware of it. It's called Friendship and, even better, Divine Intervention.

K T Cat said...

Were you a Blue Jays fan?

Rambling Rose said...

Very insightful, friend Wollf. Once again you leave me pondering. Very good question - one I never thought to ask myself before.

Rambling Rose said...

Thanks, DW. This is what I am realizing more and more. Isn't life wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Yes dear Rose....Life is Wonderful! Especially when we embrace it ... share it with friends....or just "be" in the moment.

Rambling Rose said...

I'm remembering to "be in the moment" more often now. It's easier to do now that I have let go of the pain of wanting things to be different from what they are. Acceptance sure does bring Relief - and Release. I don't know why we don't do it sooner sometimes.

Thanks, everyone!

Rambling Rose said...

Hey, K T Cat! I'm afraid that I never took an interest in sports. My best friend sure was a dyed-in-the-wool fan, though. She would often end our fun outings in time to be home to watch the games on t.v. long after moving away from Toronto.