Thursday, April 3, 2008

Silver Lining

We have all heard it said that every cloud has a silver lining.

I am now realizing the silver lining that came with my car accident.

Because of the mobility problems the accident left me with, I now feel justified in giving myself permission to go into semi-hibernation during the winter months.

Besides no longer having to go out in below zero temperatures, this has given me the opportunity to get in touch with a deeper part of myself - a part that can now go out into the world and interact with it very differently than I did before the accident.

Today was a town day and I was very much in touch with this new part of me; and the excitement that it was feeling. I was seeing with new eyes and feeling with new senses; and it WAS exciting. The whole experience felt good.

An ordinary person doing ordinary things; and enjoying it.


Wollf Howlsatmoon said...

You are so ordinary...that you are extra-ordinary.

Good insight, PWW. Wish I had wisdom....and then sometimes, I wish I didn't.

I s'pose that's "ordinary", isn't it?

Rambling Rose said...

Right you are, Wolf. I have often had the privilege of viewing your wisdom through our blogging ventures.

I think you will agree with me that wisdom comes with growing through, facing and accepting truths that do not come easy.

Wisdom never comes easy.

There is a price to be paid for each bit of wisdom that we gain - complete honesty with ourselves. And, ouch, that always hurts.

But if we find the courage to attempt it - and stay with it - even in fits and starts like I have - we are rewarded with another little bit of wisdom. Maybe in the same amount we were willing to be honest with ourselves.

The only saving grace is that we are never left completely on our own to do this work. Hidden forces guide us - support us; and friends we have never met hold our hands here and there as we fight our solitary battles.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

I have witnessed your heart being stirred often by someone in need while they earn some wisdom. I have seen you hold out a helping hand to others in need.

Hang in there, my friend. I will tell you the same thing you have often told me. You are doing good.

It is early in your journey. There will be many ups and downs - highs and lows. Many false starts - backing up - starting anew. But that majestic Wolf that awaits you with all his well-earned wisdom is really worth the effort.

Whenever you are in touch with the pain, remember that you are just in the process of growing a little wiser. The pain will pass but the newly earned wisdom will remain.