Saturday, April 19, 2008

Today I Get On With Living

I feel like I am just coming awake after a long sleep. The sun is shining in the blue sky. The green grass has come alive under the little robins' feet as they search for food. Spring is certainly in the air.

This morning, while going through some papers, I was moved to tears (healing ones) once again by these words from Jan Suberman:

Forgive me
if you, my beloved,
my love, have died.

All the leaves
will fall on my breasts.

It will rain on my soul,
all day, all night.

My feet will want to march
to where you are sleeping.

But I must go on living.


Anonymous said...

Oh Rose.....
I have felt that pain...I have felt that same sorrow. How long will our healing take? Or do we ever completely heal?

Rambling Rose said...

Two good questions - not ones there are any easy answers to as you well know.

It seems to take so long - almost forever.

Do we ever completely heal?

Maybe not.

But, if we really work at, with the help of friends like yourself and Wollf, we can at least become functional again.

Anonymous said...

You had me thinking and re-thinking about healing. Maybe we never do heal completely and that's OK. Perhaps this is what makes us "unique" and "special" and even "whole." We all have our frailities, scars, fears, etc., which is our life makeup. It's what makes us. Does this make sense?

Rambling Rose said...

It sure does. Jean Vanier claims that it is from our woundedness that the greatest gifts are born.

He just never said how long the birthing process could take.