Saturday, January 17, 2009

Back To My Self

Hello long lost Self. It's great to see you again.

I changed my blogging photo. It means that I am back in touch with myself and ready to Stand Alone - on my own two feet - and face the world.

It is interesting about the symbolism of all that wood behind me. Wood keeps showing up in my dreams as the thoughts and feelings that need to be processed for transformation to take place. As you can see - there was a ton of it. But it IS behind me.

And now back to the reality of the day this photo was taken: It was a day very early on in the friendship with my second husband. He was going to spend the day in the woods with his brother, father, and mother. I was delighted to receive an invitation to join them if I wanted.

We had a wonderful day. Keith brought along some moose meat and some vegetables; and we cooked a stew over an open fire.

After spending most of my grown-up life living and working in Toronto; this was a whole new world for me. And one I loved!


DammitWomann said...

Even your writing has the feel of the "new" or "found" Rose. Hugs my dear friend.

This year I am working on "Balance." A new friend and I discussed "balance" in our lives at length this weekend. I have decided to tackle that head on!

Rambling Rose said...

Yes, people are noticing the difference in me and commenting on it - especially on the phone. They are saying how happy I sound.

It feels good to be happy once again - and even better for that happiness to not be dependent on some particular thing in my life - just a new determination to make the best of each day.

Wollf Howlsatmoon said...

Nice symbolism PWW. The picture is as delightful as your writing....

Rambling Rose said...

Thank you very much, my dear friend Wolff. So nice to touch base with you.