Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy Birthday, Brother

"Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts. - From "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens

Yesterday would have been my brother's next birthday. I lit a candle for him and said a prayer for him, his wife and his daughter.

All those firsts are difficult; as most of us know.

I was just a little over one year old when he was born - a little mother even then. Or did I become a little mother because it was almost required of me? Who knows?

I found myself reflecting on the family dynamics that were in place at the time - understanding a little bit more - with no animosity towards anybody - just acceptance and understanding.

I reflected on my relationship with my brother; we were very close. I recalled many things about him that warmed my heart.

Happy Birthday, Brother! I will continue to treasure the things I loved about you as I complete my journey.


DammitWomann said...

Good rememberance Rose. I just know he's proud of YOU.

I like your referance to "completing your journey."
What a great line - great view of our life here on earth.

Still MY teacher I see. Thank you Rose. I so often look to your words (PWW remember) for my own direction.

Rambling Rose said...

Thanks, DW. As usual your words give me the incentive I need to keep writing.

Wollf Howlsatmoon said...

Very you might remember from last January, my big bro is no longer with us Foxfier wrote to me once about my losses, "Wollf, it's not that it ever heals, but it comes to a point where it doesn't hurt if you don't poke it"

Wise words for a 26 year old....

Rambling Rose said...

Very wise words for a 26 year old - and I have decided not to poke it or any other situation which could arouse the emotion of grief.

Life is what it is. Situations are what they are. God sees the bigger picture - which I can not.

Like Eckhart Tolle encourages all of us to do - I will concentrate on accepting "the moment" just as it is.

Thanks, Wollf.