Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My Brother's Passing

It is time to start working through the life experiences of the last few months. The emotions have just continued to build up until they almost buried me.

That is my way - like an old dog withdrawing from life to lick his wounds - surfacing again only when the pain has subsided to a manageable level.

My bother was aware of unnamed health problems since February. Our family only became aware of this in July when he was too ill to come home for our mother's birthday. I called him weekly after that so I could hear his voice and keep in touch with what was going on for him.

The end of September - what the doctors were calling a cyst on my brother's kidney was now being called a tumor - and they were going to have to remove one kidney. I was scared to make my weekly call after the surgery - but pushed myself and was rewarded by hearing a voice that sounded surprisingly well.

Then I had the dream: My brother and I are standing at a wide chasm in the field out behind our childhood home. I am attempting to help him cross over but it is too wide at this point. I walk closer to the house to see if I can find a spot where it might be easier to cross. I find such a spot; and turn to tell my brother. But he is already on the other side. Amazed I say to him, "How did you get over there so quickly?"

The next day, I receive the news that on his first check-up after the surgery, the doctor informed my brother that he had leukemia and he would have to go back into the hospital to begin chemotherapy.

I give thanks to God that I have learned to pay attention to what my dreams are telling me. That is the only reason I found the courage to pull myself out of the deep (safe) rut I had carved for myself - and go to my brother.

The trip terrified and overwhelmed me. Thankfully, I did not have to make the trip alone. My youngest brother drove the thousand miles that would get us there. My youngest sister and her daughter came as well. The plan was for them to stay the weekend so they could visit my brother; and then they would return home - leaving me behind to help in whatever way I could.

I let everyone else have the first day to visit my brother on their own - with my sister-in-law. I needed a day to recuperate from the trip; and also to gather my courage for the visit.

The next day, when I arrived at the hopital, my brother was sitting on the side of the bed facing the door when I came in. He had lost a lot of weight - was weak and shaky - but he pulled himself to his feet to greet me. We just stood there holding each other for a couple minutes, crying in each other's arms. Those two minutes made the whole trip worthwhile.

I got to visit with him the next two days; and then he was moved into intensive care - dying just a few short days after that.


DammitWomann said...

How strong you are Rose! And, how lucky your brother was to have you in his life.

I soooo miss the love and ties of a sibling, even though I do have 2 siblings alive. (My own long story.)

It is so good to hear from you again. You have been missed more than you know. Even though we're miles apart, I have felt such a kindred spirit in your writings.

Rambling Rose said...

Thanks, DW. Interesting that you see me as strong. I was thinking today what an emotional wimp everybody will see me as.

I'm glad you see us as kindred spirits. Your support has been a great help to me.

I'm glad people missed me - it's like being welcomed home.

DammitWomann said...

I'm always here for you Rose. that you can take to the bank! Seriously...........

Wimp? I think nOT. Unless someone has lived thru the death of a spouse - at a young age - they wouldn't know the strength it takes to endure this pain.

I'm walking beside you in this next chapter of our lives.

Rambling Rose said...

Thanks, DW. Glad to have you by my side.

It reminds me of a card I gave to my second husband when we were just friends:

Don't walk behind me; I may not lead.

Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow.

Just walk beside me; and be my friend.

So much of life we have to face alone. It makes it so much easier to bear when we have friends by our side.