Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Birthing

The change happened so fast, it was not even noticeable. One minute Dehlia was doing the routine tasks associated with maintaining a house, getting the meal ready for the family as usual
and then, in the blink of an eye, she was gone - transported away to a world almost too beautiful to be real. The knife she was using to prepare the vegetables was gone from her hands. The old clothes she normally wore around the house had been replaced by a long flowing robe which was turquoise in color, and was made from a material that was more comfortable than any she had worn before.
In front of her astonished eyes was an emerald green waterfall which sparkled like jewels in the sunlight. It was surrounded by gigantic redwood trees standing stately under a blue sky. On top of the waterfall sat a slight man - rather ordinary looking to be the renowned shaman that he was. He sat on his haunches like a cougar ready to pounce on his prey. He wore only a piece of white linen material tied turban style around his lower torso, accentuating his sunbrowned skin making it look like rich mahogany.
Ordinarily she would have been frightened by such an unusual sight but there was something so welcoming about his smile and his kind, gentle eyes that it left no room for fear. She had only known this feeling of total love and acceptance once in her life and that was from a stray dog she had rescued from the cold.

1 comment:

Wollf Howlsatmoon said...

Methinks that the maiden be frisky.
Good evening, Paint with Words.