Saturday, February 21, 2009

Notes To Myself

I often write notes to myself - sometimes from deep inside myself - sometimes something I read or overheard that I want to remember. Often there is only enough time to write a hastily scribbled note on a piece of paper.

I recently came across one such piece of paper that reminded me to:

"Do what you can, for who you can, with what you have, where you are."

My sister made me aware of a fun (free) way to provide rice for the poor . Check out the short video on the left of the screen.

I make a point of going there once a day and send a few grains of rice to some hungry person. There are several topics to choose from; and every correct answer sends 10 grains of rice across the world.

The subject I stick with is vocabulary because I have always loved words. They even have an art section for you art lovers.

Go ahead - give it a try - let me know how you make out.

"The heart that gives, gathers."


DammitWomann said...

Never let anyone be your priority - while allowing yourself to be their option.

My favorite - it reminds me to put myself first because I AM WORTH IT !

Rambling Rose said...

Hmmmmm - something I have done too much of in my life.

Thanks for sharing.

We are buried under so much snow up here in Canada, it's hard to get out from under long enough to think. I am really looking forward to spring.

Nice hearing from you!

Wollf Howlsatmoon said...

Didn't do too well.....seems I owe THEM rice....durnitall......

Rambling Rose said...

You are SO funny, Wollf. As usual - a laugh a minute. Love to you and yours!