Friday, January 11, 2008


Yesterday the path that I was exploring introduced me to Akiane - a child prodigy, artist, and poet. She is considered an Indigo Child - a term that was new to me.

I really wanted to share her with you but my computer security systems combined with my lack of expertise would not allow me to download the video.

The best I can do is provide you with the address to check out if you are so inclined:

She blows my mind with her gift.


Anonymous said...

Well what do you know! I googled for Rambling Rose, the name of MY blog, to find out how many pages I had to search before I found mine... and I found yours! Another Rambling Rose on blogger?!!

Just thought I would leave a comment to say hello, and tell you I love the name of your blog. ;-)


Rambling Rose said...

Hi, Willena, thanks for introducing yourself. Drop by anytime. I will check out your blog as well.