Thursday, January 24, 2008

Warts And All

The earth angel I wrote about in my last post is the reason I now show myself to the world...after a lifetime of hiding.

It has not been easy for me to do this - especially in the beginning. But the rewards have been many - a new community of friends......accompanying me into deeper regions of myself..... encouraging me not to give up on me external validation until I was more capable of giving myself the internal validation I lacked....had to learn how to give myself.

Now when I catch myself wanting to hide, I remind myself how that never did work for me....doesn't work for anybody. Now I own all of me - warts and all.

And strangely enough the things I considered pathological in myself, and in need of being changed, I am now recognizing as gifts my Creator blessed me with. Now I just have to learn how to work WITH these gifts instead of against them.

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