Friday, November 23, 2007

Personality Test

My friend and fellow blogger posted a link on his site for anyone wanting to take a personality test. I had great fun with it today and can confirm from my findings that it is right on. I haven't learned how to do links yet, but here is the address if you want to give it a try: I turned out to be INFJ and like I say - it fit me to a "tee". And after finding out who you are:

Permission To Shine

Let the light of your being,
the consciousness of knowing your real Self,
radiate and illuminate
the human beings
you find before you,
as well as the community of voices
you find within.

Neil Douglas Klotz
Blessings of the Cosmos: Wisdom of the
Heart From the Aramic Words of Jesus


Wollf Howlsatmoon said...

I think I had guessed INTP, not a bad guess by amateur standards...

The "clicky thingie" goes like this. Don't include the Outside quotation marks.

" Here, or whatever

Ta Daaa! Now I gotta go look up INFJ...

Wollf Howlsatmoon said...


Your So-Cal fella messed that one up......sheesh.

Ok, so here's the deal. If Wollf starts to ever tell you how to do something on the computer?

Ignore it, sit down and have a nice giggle at his goofiness.

Rambling Rose said...

What are you talking about, it worked, didn't it? I caught your drift - guess I understand Wollf lingo.

Wollf Howlsatmoon said...

That little old "N" vs "S" letter makes a huge difference in ones' I've been trying to figure out someone that I wasn't.

Thus the "visitation" I had last night and then this morning....

I feel like I'm in a spooky movie.
(Don't worry, I've seen enoough of them not to open the basement door)
