Monday, November 12, 2007

Shadow Work

Somebody told me a joke the other night - A man accidentally dropped fifty cents down the hole of an outhouse. He then took twenty dollars out of his wallet and threw it in with the fifty cents. Then he dove in and retrieved both of them. When asked why he did it, he replied: "You don't think I'd jump in there for fifty cents, do you?"

It is like that with shadow work. The Real treasures in life are only ours if we do the sh-tty work required, but none of us reach out for that work willingly. It takes painful life experiences to push us in. It takes knowing that our tomorrows will not be any better than our yesterdays unless we do some work on ourselves. Even then, there are many days that we would really rather just bask in the sunshine like everyone else.

But then, we retrieve a Treasure that has been lost for a long time and, recognizing it for what it is, our Hope is renewed and our commitment to our Quest is strengthened.


Wollf Howlsatmoon said...

Yes, PWW, a Parable in jokes Clothing.

The way I'm "feeling" this evening, I shouldn't bother to toss money after it.

I dropped a ham sandwich.

Sorry....emotional and confusing day. I sure do admit a Lot more frailties than I used to.

Wonder if that's ok?...hmmm
Ice cream, that's what I need.
(Only a Little....Anything in excess is bad. We have to train our selves, our bodies, that way)

Keep a large bottle of V-8and some dry roasted peanuts available for those times...I kid you not.

Rambling Rose said...

Wolf, you sure do have a way with humor - I love it - just seems to come natural to you. Be prepared. For awhile, after having a good day - it will be followed by an emotional and confusing day. It apparently is the natural order of the process. Eventually they come less often and you get to have more than one good day in between. Just ride them out - they will all join together to lead you someplace good.